Ever undertook woodwork in your school years and created things out of wood. Well who knows maybe it was leading you up to your career as a cabinetmaker. If you’re looking for a high quality cabinetry then look no further then hiring an expert in the field. Yes, that is cabinetmakers.
Okay so cabinetmakers don’t just make cabinets. Let’s look into it a little more further. Cabinetmakers are woodworkers that design and make built-in or customised cabinets. Not just that but that you know that bed you sleep on or any wood furniture you own be sure that that’s the creation of a cabinetmaker. A cabinet maker also repairs and or creates their products from flat panel, or solid timber materials, building and using many different materials based on every individual needs and wants in other words custom designs.
The great thing about cabinetmakers is that they can open up their own business or work for a large cabinet or woodworking manufacturer. From designing bedroom suites, kitchen cabinetry and furniture, antique furniture dining office and wood entertainment furniture the avenue is vast. Cabinetry making has also vastly grown to expand to household appliances.
Cabinetmakers prepare customised drawings that acquire specifications, they also have the difficult task of choosing the correct and suitable wood to meet the requirements of the customer’s. They prepare the materials to be ready for usage. Cabinet Makers also repair old and damaged furniture. Cabinet Makers mark out and shape different pieces to place together. Kind of reminds me of playing with puzzles and trying to piece the pieces together. In other words putting the product together well in the case of cabinetmakers gluing it together.
Well of course attending wood work in school is not enough to classify you as a cabinetmaker so you do need to undergo on the job training and complete the required apprenticeship.
Be prepared that a cabinetmaker’s role requires a lot of patience and talent to create unique and custom designs.
To all our cabinetmakers; past and present we thank you for all your hard work.